Level 1 - The Habit of Using a Diary
Diaries have an incredible power to reduce mental clutter. We know that having things ‘on our mind’ as well as mentally fatiguing tasks (either a lot of small tasks or a few highly taxing tasks) can cause stress, mental ill-health and an overactive nervous system that stops us from being able to relax, repair and restore. One of the best ways to combat this is to have tools and outlets that allow us to regularly ‘off-load’. Some of the most simple and easy things we can off-load is where we have to be, at what time, what we need to bring or do beforehand and our top priorities or tasks of the day. We built a diary that can help to ‘clear your mental RAM’ so to speak, so you have more space to feel clear, organised and prepared for the day.
Level 2 - The Habit of Thinking 'Big Picture'
In the age of smartphones, one of the smartest choices we can make around technology is to practice digital wellbeing. Yes, we can put our entire calendar, priorities, tasks and notes on our smartphones but this doesn’t mean that this is always the best choice for our digital hygiene. While a smartphone or laptop is great to have around when you want to go into details about something – say, to type up a speech or plan out a to-do list for an event, it’s great to have a place where we are able to deliberately separate out the details and keep things ‘big picture’. Having an analogue tool to help us pause on reflect on the bird’s eye view of what’s happening in our lives, what’s important and where we are going next are key elements of digital wellbeing. We built a diary that can be an ‘oasis’ from the tech world and has support tools for bringing us back to that big picture thinking.
Level 3 - The Habit of Applying Mental Fitness Tools
If you’re ready to go deeper, then practicing Mental Fitness Habits is probably for you. We know that it takes about 21 days to form a habit and we can be working on about three personal goals at a time (successfully). The Mental Fitness Diary strategically includes three Mental Fitness Habits at the conclusion of the monthly content which, if practiced daily throughout the month, will lead to noticeable improvements to our mental wellbeing. Not all of these habits are applicable or even possible for all of us – so feel free to create your own or use the additional strategies at the front of each diary. These habits can be transferred to either the ‘goals’ or ‘priorities’ section of each week/day and tracked in a way that feels right for you. We recommend focusing on simply becoming more mindful of our choices in each moment (rather than creating a reward/punishment system) as it's self-awareness, over perfection, that leads to the greatest improvements in our mental wellness.
Level 4 - The Habit of Leading Mental Fitness Advocacy
If you’re ready for more, it’s time to become a leader in changing the meaning of mental health. One of the things we love about the Mental Fitness Diary is that it’s an amazing conversation starter for mental health awareness. There’s so much stigma and misunderstanding about mental health that can only be broken down by having honest conversations about how we really are, what we do each day to work on our mental fitness as well as creating more meaningful and deeper connections with each other based on understanding our common humanity, practices, struggles and challenges. If you’re ready for a new movement in the way we look at mental health, we designed our diary to be a tool that supports that mission. We know that change won’t come from printing diaries alone… change will come from our community standing up for each other, and for Mental Fitness.
There's no 'one way to play' - use your tool in a way that works well for you and allows you to get the most out of your day and your life! For more ways to customize, follow us on social media to hear from our community.