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Episode Summary:
Emrys Westacott, a professor of philosophy at Alfred University and the author of The Wisdom of Frugality. Together, they explore the intricacies of minimalism and frugality, dissecting their definitions, benefits, and potential pitfalls.
The discussion spans the philosophical concept of eudaimonia (human flourishing) as envisioned by ancient Greek philosophers, and its practical application in today's fast-paced, consumption-driven world. Emrys offers valuable insights into how embracing simplicity can lead to a more fulfilling life, both mentally and emotionally.
What You Will Learn:
- Definitions and differences between minimalism and frugality.
- The concept of eudaimonia and its relevance to modern life.
- Practical benefits and potential drawbacks of living a frugal lifestyle.
- An overview of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement and its principles.
About Emrys Westacott:
His last book was The Wisdom of Frugality: Why less is more, more or less, both published by Princeton University Press. He is currently writing a book about our changing attitudes towards work and leisure.
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Memorable Quotes:
- "The values of what matters most in life are not the things that necessarily cost a huge amount of money or that exhibit one's social status."
- "Happiness, or flourishing, for ancient philosophers like Aristotle, was really an objective matter of whether someone was living a good life."
- "For the majority of people, it's more important to focus on the quality of one's relationships and experiences rather than things like wealth and luxury."
- "One value that an emphasis on frugality and simple living has is that it leads you away from strutting your stuff and displaying your wealth, your status, your achievements."